Wingaersheek Beach is a perfect New England beach -- small, sandy and picturesque, about an hour north of Boston, in Gloucester, MA-- I loved this beach. Here's a ticker-tape of pictures showing the pretty scenery there:
Sandpipers |
Seagulls |
Wingaersheek Beach is situated on Annisquam River on the mouth of Ipswich Bay |
Sand is very sparkly here |
towards the end of the beach closer to the harbor |
a beach rose |
a floating house |
end of the line |
Thought about trying the cold gazpacho soup for $3.50 a bowl at the snack shack |
After leaving Wingaersheek Beach, we drove to Cape Ann's Marina to have lunch:
Bloody Marys, lobster rolls and clam chowder at Mile Marker 1 Restaurant | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Then drove further up the coast and stopped in quaint Rockport before turning around
and heading back back to Boston. Of course I stopped to pick up a
couple of boxes of salt water taffy while there!
We had to stop and take a picture of this house --13 Pleasant Street, Rockport, MA -- built in 1810, the house is narrow in the front, but goes waaayy back... think it may have been turned into condominiums... pretty, but reminded me a little of 1313 Mockingbird Lane...
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